Key Cutting

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High Quality Key Cutting Services

Whatever key you need cut, whether it’s a house key, car key or padlock key, we got you covered. At Northside Locksmith we pride ourselves on providing high quality key cutting services.

Our experienced locksmiths use the latest techniques and key cutting machines which allows us to provide an outstanding and accurate key cutting service. Whatever key you need, we can duplicate just about any key you have, whether it is for your home, office or car.

We appreciate that your time is valuable, which is why we are dedicated to providing an efficient key cutting service. Our team is always happy to offer advice and help you solve your security issues quickly!

Brisbane At Sunset
car keys

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Praesent euismod bibendum purus, quis hendrerit nulla gravida in. Nulla facilisi. Etiam non libero non ex vehicula eleifend. Maecenas molestie rhoncus sapien, id vestibulum leo euismod eget. Aliquam eu ante eget dolor ullamcorper dapibus eu vel nibh. Morbi consectetur tortor sit amet ipsum iaculis iaculis. Duis ultrices diam at libero congue, in consectetur mauris lobortis.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to cut a key?

Surprisingly, key cutting does not have to be expensive at all. It all comes down to the type of key you need, if it's a specialised key or car key it will likely cost more to replicate. Similarly, it will cost more if the key is broken in the lock and our locksmith has to come out to fix the problem.

How long does key cutting take?

The time it takes to cut a key is dependent on the type of key, its complexity and the machine used for cutting the key. A standard key can be cut within a few minutes, whereas if we need to order a specialised key from the manufacturer, it can take several days. Feel free to contact us, our locksmiths can give you a more accurate time estimate.

Where can I get keys cut in Brisbane?

Key cutting is a commonly offered service, which means you have a lot of places to choose from. When choosing your locksmith, it is important to make sure that they use high quality blanks as low quality keys are likely to break off in your lock. This ends up costing you more money in the long run. We offer our key cutting services anywhere from North Lakes and Redcliffe all the way to Paddington and Brisbane City.

How can I get a key cut?

The key cutting process is fairly straightforward. Bring your key to our nearest location and depending on the type of key, your key can be cut within a few minutes.

Which areas do you service?

We have been providing key cutting services in the Brisbane area for over 30 years. Our main service areas are: North Lakes, Brighton, Redcliffe, Paddington, Kedron, Chermside and Brisbane City.

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We can solve your security problems.

Northside Locksmiths provides a comprehensive locksmith service for Brisbane, Queensland and beyond. Get in touch today and request a quote with our enquiries form.

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